The Facts of Life Wiki

Teenage Marriage is a two-part episode of "The Facts of Life." The first half serving as the 7th episode of the Second Season and the 20th episode overall. It first aired on January 7, 1981.


Jo gets a letter from her boyfriend Eddie Brennan describing his life in the Navy, but when she phones her mom to talk about school, she's surprised to hear she has a new boyfriend named Jack and gets upset about the romance, even believing her mom sent her to Eastland to get rid of her. Eddie however turns up at the school and meets the girls. He still wants to marry Jo, but she's still only 16. Eddie reveals they can marry in West Virginia where the marrying age is lower, but he also has to get back to Chicago to prevent being labeled AWOL. He asks Jo to make her choice soon.
The girls soon see Jo with an engagement ring, and she tells them Eddie wants to marry her. In order to discourage her, Blair calls Bink Parker at Bates Academy and they take Jo and Eddie on a double date to talk them out of getting married. However, Jo soon realizes what's going on, and Blair tries convincing her she's only trying to help her. Jo only gets angrier and marches out of the restaurant with Eddie.


Main Cast[]

Guest Cast[]


  • This two-part episode was Eddie's first appearance on "The Facts of Life."


  • Coming Up


  • Coming Up
